• How Concerned Should You Be About Skin Cancer?

    Skin cancer is one of the most common diseases in the world. With early intervention, however, skin cancer treatment usually has a high probability of success. A dermatologist can even usually deal with your case on an outpatient basis. This may leave you wondering just how concerned you ought to be about skin cancer. Here is how to assess your risk without taking skin cancer for granted. Time in the Sun
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  • 3 Easy Ways To Look Younger

    Getting older often comes with challenges, such as an increased likelihood of medical problems. As if that wasn't already enough to have to deal with, our good looks tend to fade as the years go by. Although the aging process is inevitable, there are fortunately a lot of different things that we can do to help us look and feel our very best.   Dye Your Hair A New Color  Getting a new hair color is one of the easiest ways to look younger fast.
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  • How To Protect Yourself From Skin Cancer

    Skin cancer is the most ubiquitous form of cancer in the United States, and luckily, it is also the most preventable. In this article, we'll cover some ways that you can protect your skin from the sun and boost your protection against developing skin cancer. Check Your Skin for Changes Changes in your skin can be a sign of skin cancer. That's why it's essential to check your skin for changes at least once a month.
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  • Concerning Spot On Your Face? Treatment Options For You

    You more than likely pay attention to the spots you see on your face, so when you see one that seems to be a bit concerning, you need to get it looked at by a professional dermatologist. A spot on your face that seems to be concerning could just be a dry patch of skin, or it could be something else, such as a benign tumor or skin cancer. If you have a concerning spot on your face, be sure to have it looked at.
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  • Flaky Patches Around Your Nose And Eyebrows? Here's What It Could Be

    Likely everyone has experienced dry patches on their skin from time to time, but it shouldn't be a regular problem. If you've noticed that your skin has a tendency to be flaky, irritated, or red around your nose and eyebrows, chances are a very specific skin condition is behind it. Here's what you should know about your problem. Introducing Seborrheic Dermatitis It is possible that your skin is exhibiting seborrheic dermatitis.
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  • Using Botox Treatments To Minimize Your Wrinkles

    Cosmetic procedures can be an effective way of helping you to obtain the look that you want, but individuals may not appreciate all of the options that are available when they have cosmetic issues that they want to address. Botox is one of the newer procedures that people can utilize to improve their appearance, but if they have never undergone this procedure, they may not know how it can benefit them.
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  • What You Can Do About Your Body Acne: 4 Tips

    Body acne can make you feel self-conscious. You may have to wear a high neck shirt to hide your chest acne, or you may feel compelled to cover other parts of your body in order to hide your acne. Acne on your back, chest, thighs, arms, and buttocks can affect just about anybody. If you have body acne, there are things you can do to help clear up your acne. Read on for some tips to help clear up your acne.
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  • FAQs About Spider Veins And Treatment Options

    If you've noticed purplish or blue veins on the surface of your skin, you may suspect that you have spider veins. Spider veins can be caused by a number of things, such as hormone fluctuations, obesity, genetics, etc. If you are unhappy with how the spider veins look, you may want to talk with a dermatologist. Read on to find answers to questions you may have about spider veins. Are Spider Veins the Same As Varicose Veins?
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  • The Top Mohs Surgery Questions Answered

    Should you choose Mohs surgery? Originally developed in the 1930s by Dr. Frederic E. Mohs, MD, this surgery has come a long way since its initial inception. If your doctor recommends this skin cancer treatment, take a look at everything you need know about the Mohs procedure. How Is Mohs Different From Other Skin Cancer Procedures? Instead of a cut and stitch approach, Mohs involves a precise technique that only removes the cancer.
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  • 4 Things That Happen At A Mole Check

    Dermatologists perform a number of services for patients. Perhaps one of the most important services they perform is the mole check. During a mole check, your dermatologist will examine existing moles on your body and search for new ones. This is important because moles can sometimes become cancerous, and the best way to stop skin cancer is through early diagnosis. Here are four things that will happen at a mole check:
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