How Concerned Should You Be About Skin Cancer?

Posted on: 15 February 2023

Skin cancer is one of the most common diseases in the world. With early intervention, however, skin cancer treatment usually has a high probability of success. A dermatologist can even usually deal with your case on an outpatient basis.

This may leave you wondering just how concerned you ought to be about skin cancer. Here is how to assess your risk without taking skin cancer for granted.

Time in the Sun

Nothing increases your risk level like time spent in the sun. Folks who work in the sun all day during the peak of summer are the most at-risk population. People who do construction or road work, for example, have to worry a lot about skin cancer even if they're using the maximum SPF available for their sunblock. Similarly, sunbathing and other outdoor activities like swimming and running can increase your risk significantly.

If you're going to spend months in the sun, it's a good idea to schedule a screening with a dermatologist at least once a year. A professional can spot signs of developing skin cancers, and they can even look in tough areas like your scalp.


This is a tricky issue because the medical reality is that fair-skinned people are at heightened risk. However, this creates the false perception that darker-skinned people are at low or no risk. Light skin is a notable risk factor, especially if the person has blue eyes or red or blond hair. People with dark skin need to be careful, though, because they may have a harder time identifying skin cancer in early development. Once more, the wise move is to schedule a regular checkup with a dermatologist if you have any risk factors.

Family History

Most cancers run in family history. Unsurprisingly, skin cancer is no different. If you know of anyone in your family who has ever developed skin cancer, talk with a dermatologist even if you don't see anything.

Personal History

Anyone who has needed skin cancer treatment once is at greater risk of a recurrence. If a dermatologist has needed to remove patches of skin before, you need to get on an exam schedule. Even if the problem areas turned out to be benign or non-cancerous, you don't want to take chances.

Irregular Dark Spots

People often dismiss spots as freckles or just the products of aging. Any irregular dark patch has the potential to be cancer. Even if you think something is just a mole, it never hurts to ask a dermatologist to look at it. Contact a clinic such as Desert Dermatology & Skin Cancer Specialists to find out more.


Dermatology for All Stages of Life

As you age, the skin conditions you deal with change. In your teens, you struggle with acne and oily skin. You get a little older, and perhaps your skin dries out and starts flaking. Then, in your 30s or 40s, you experience the return of hormonal acne — followed by the dryness and wrinkles that appear in your 50s. For every stage of life and the skin problems it brings, dermatologists are there. They employ the latest science to diagnose and treat your trouble skin. If you would like to learn more about common dermatologic treatments and how to improve your skin health, keep exploring this website, where we've collected a wide range of articles about all things skin-related.



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