FAQs About Spider Veins And Treatment Options

Posted on: 15 January 2021

If you've noticed purplish or blue veins on the surface of your skin, you may suspect that you have spider veins. Spider veins can be caused by a number of things, such as hormone fluctuations, obesity, genetics, etc. If you are unhappy with how the spider veins look, you may want to talk with a dermatologist. Read on to find answers to questions you may have about spider veins. Are Spider Veins the Same As Varicose Veins?
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The Top Mohs Surgery Questions Answered

Posted on: 20 August 2020

Should you choose Mohs surgery? Originally developed in the 1930s by Dr. Frederic E. Mohs, MD, this surgery has come a long way since its initial inception. If your doctor recommends this skin cancer treatment, take a look at everything you need know about the Mohs procedure. How Is Mohs Different From Other Skin Cancer Procedures? Instead of a cut and stitch approach, Mohs involves a precise technique that only removes the cancer.
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4 Things That Happen At A Mole Check

Posted on: 16 July 2020

Dermatologists perform a number of services for patients. Perhaps one of the most important services they perform is the mole check. During a mole check, your dermatologist will examine existing moles on your body and search for new ones. This is important because moles can sometimes become cancerous, and the best way to stop skin cancer is through early diagnosis. Here are four things that will happen at a mole check:
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When Should You Have a Mole Removed?

Posted on: 18 June 2020

Moles are fairly common. Most people have at least one mole somewhere on their body. Moles can be present since birth, or they can develop over time. Dermatologists offer mole removal treatment in addition to their other services. Before you undergo this procedure, make sure it's the right choice for you. Here are four situations when you should have a mole removed: 1. Your dermatologist suspects your mole is cancerous.
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